Press Release Summary = Learn what the insurance co. look for before they give a price for insurance. Factors that Affect Your Car Insurance Rates.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 5/31/2006
Cheap Car Insurance that you can live with
Learn what the insurance co. look for before they give a price for insurance. Factors that affect your cheap car insurance rates.
Car insurance is actually determined by many factors although, of course, there are basic things and information that an insurance company asks for when it comes to determining the price and rate of car insurance.
Most insurance companies that offer car or auto insurance would ask interested parties about their driving record. The more reckless a person is when driving, the higher the rates. This is primarily because a reckless person is more likely to get into crashes and accidents compared to those who are careful drivers. Other factors that can have an effect the make of the auto or truck, motor cycle and the value for replacement. The part of the country you live in and if there is a lot insurance clams there. All over this country it is a law that you have auto insurance so if you know what you are looking for in insurance you\'ll have a better chance of getting the cheapest car insurance out there.
Other factors that go into determining premiums: * Miles driven per year * Distance to work * Occupation * Years of driving experience * Business use of the vehicle * Whether or not you currently have auto insurance * Theft protection devices (often results in discounts) * Multiple cars and drivers (another opportunity for discounts) * New drivers under 18 in the house * Girls or Boys under 18 Overwhelmed?
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